Cbd Thc Oil

Explore Premier Medical Cannabis Products at Phuket Cannabis Clinic

Phuket Cannabis Clinic takes pride in offering a range of government-approved medical cannabis products designed to cater to specific medical needs. Our selection includes high-quality CBD and THC oil extracts, as well as a variety of organic herbal remedies.

Tailored Cannabis Oil Solutions

Our medical cannabis oils are crafted to address challenging health conditions:

  1. CBD Oil Extract: Ideal for treating resistant epilepsy, this extract is available in 10 and 30 ml sizes, with each ml containing 100 mg of CBD.
  2. THC Oil Extract: Designed for patients managing chemotherapy-induced nausea and neuropathic pain, available in 5 ml packaging.
  3. THC:CBD 1:1 Oil Extract: A balanced formula to alleviate spasticity in multiple sclerosis patients, offered in 5 ml size.

Each product is to be used sublingually, with dosages adjusted as per medical guidance.

At Phuket Cannabis Clinic, we’re committed to guiding you through your medicinal cannabis journey with our expertly formulated products. For personalized advice and product inquiries, our team is ready to assist you.

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